Mississippi Law

This is an open forum for discussing Mississippi Law, Legislation, Politics, and Government. Any aspect of the above are fair game, and no idea is too radical.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Other places to visit for MS Legal News

While I don't want to lose any of our readers I do want to refer you to other places on the web that can bring you some good info, and that includes blogs. Three different legislators have blogs though the Clarion Ledger and you might want to keep up with them, 1. to find out what is happening in your Capitol, and 2. to gain a better understanding of some of the thoughts of those who make decisions that effect laws every day (well at least when in session).

Greg Snowden's Blog
John Mayo's Blog
Lydia Chassaniol's Blog


At 3:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi.. Thanks for the informative..

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