The Bailout Vote
As many of you may know by this point 3 of the 4 Representatives from Mississippi voted against the bailout yesterday. Of comments I have seen Rep. Childers from D-1 stated: "Hard-working families are struggling in the face of job losses and home foreclosures resulting from overall economic instability. They are justifiably angry about a bailout that would require them to dig deeper into their pockets to rescue Wall Street from it's own recklessness."
"Earlier this year, I voted against a budget that would raise the federal debt to an unprecedented level. Today, I was again compelled to vote my conscience against a massive debt increase."
The quote punctuation is a little iffy in the original from WJTV but it sounds like a quote to me.
Additionally, Gene Taylor from D-4 stated: "If there was a button that said 'Hell, no,' I'd push it," said Taylor. "I hate to use a cliché, but this falls into the category of throwing money at a problem and hope it works." according to the Sun-Herald.