Mississippi Law

This is an open forum for discussing Mississippi Law, Legislation, Politics, and Government. Any aspect of the above are fair game, and no idea is too radical.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Governor's Debate Tonight

Stay informed. Check it out on MPB as it starts at 7 or you can even go if you are in the south Mississippi area to the Saenger Theatre in Biloxi with door opening at 6. I believe you can also listen online at the below web address.


Thursday, September 13, 2007

Mississippi Federal Judge News

Last week candidate for a Federal District Judgeship, Sharion Aycock, was recommended out of the judiciary committee and to the full senate. Often if a judge is to be held up in the nomination process it is in this committee and not by the full Senate.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

A piece of advice

If your client is styled an a/k/a by the appeals court you are probably going to lose the appeal. Some recent (and in my opinion sometimes humorous) examples: