Mississippi Law

This is an open forum for discussing Mississippi Law, Legislation, Politics, and Government. Any aspect of the above are fair game, and no idea is too radical.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

MS Sex Offender Laws

There are several different issues this post will address concerning the MS Sex Offender Laws. The sex-offender topic has been in the news recently regarding a new law that goes into affect in Georgia on July that would make many sex-offenders have to relocate because of newly created buffer zones that include school bus stops. For more on the Ga. story see here and for an update here.

Mississippi law defines “sex offense” in 45-33-23(g) and includes acts such as rape; sexual battery; enticing a child for concealment, prostitution or marriage; unnatural intercourse; touching of children for lustful purposes and other assorted offenses. Additionally, upon the convicted sex offenders reentry to society (assuming they served time) They must register with the Department of Public Safety within 3 days of release and the DPS then notifies the local sheriff and the FBI. Additionally, if you are a sex-offender who is coming back into the state you must inform DPS 10 days prior to doing so. Sex-offenders must also give notification if changing addresses, reregister in person every 90 days and disclose his conviction if he wants to work with minors. Violations of doing all of these things may result in a felony conviction with a term of up to 5 years per 45-33-33. Now we have the basics of the law on to the juicier topics.

The Sex Offender Registry (SOR) – if a sex-offender is convicted and released he is placed on a sex-offender registry in MS that is available for public viewing here. This list is also good fodder for television stations that bandwagon this “service” such as here as this station runs ads about its access to the registry. There are several issues regarding the SOR that have been brought up with regards to MS and other states (my answers will be below and will kind of start the debate).

1. If this is a criminal penalty for a crime that has been committed why is DPS doing it and not MDOC; 2. If these offenders have to stay registered for life is their sentence ever really over? 3. Should the life-time registration offset some of the jail time or fine imposed on the convict? 4. What is the proper penalty to be assessed to these individuals?

My answers (not the law because the law has really not been thoroughly vetted in this area):
1. DPS does the registering because, despite the parole-like feel to reregistering, this is about protecting the Public from repeat offenders. There are also statistics that help show that compared to non-sex offenders released from State prisons, released sex offenders were 4 times more likely to be rearrested for a sex crime, per DOJ. So the state feels like it is allowing a potential danger into the area and as such they have a responsibility to protect the public.

2. The registration for life problem is one that I support; there is no age limit on being a sex-offender and once a sex-offender always a sex offender to me. Even those who help sex offenders say: "It is important to realize that this study does not claim we are curing sex offenders through treatment. The fact is, sex offenders are never considered cured."

In my book this is purely a part of their penalty of committing their original crime and reregistering every year for life is better for them than being in jail for the remainder of their lives (more on this in #4).

3. Offsetting some jail time or fine with the registry condition is no different than saying since I have to report for parole shouldn’t I get less time. The answer is no. Registering is simply part of the penalty along with the jail time and fine, not a tradable commodity. This thesis is closely tied to #2.

4. What is the proper penalty for sex offenders? Over the years offenses have ranged from death (Rape is/was a capital offense in Mississippi) to castration to chemical castration to years of hard labor to plain jail time. In my opinion we should lock them up with life sentences plus 20 to make sure they don’t get out on the whole lifespan deal with life sentences. As addressed above, the recidivism for this crime combined with the harm caused by it (as compared to recidivist auto burglaries for example) plants me in the throw away the key group. Some might argue for the harsher death penalty which I don’t go for but we can save that discussion for a different topic.

This post is created for the purpose of seeing what the mindset is in the community out there and both agreement and disagreement are welcome, just bring some thought with your post.


At 7:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If "sex offender" means "child rapist" yeah, lock the door and throw away the key.

But what happens when I get caught having anal sex (sodomy) in a parked car with my consenting legal partner? Isn't that "unnatural sex?" And since it looks so good on a DAs record to say "I put away X number of sex offenders last year," won't they be more inclined to prosecute me as a sex offender?

That's the ONLY problem I have with the sex offender laws... they penalize/stigmatize people who are in no way shape form or fashion interested in children along with the actual monsters. The reason sex offenders are getting sympathy is because people KNOW that there's relatively "innocent" people getting swept up in this thing.

There's prolly a dozen different ways to get yourself labeled "sex offender" that don't even involve minors or nonconsenual activity.


At 8:00 AM, Blogger B.C. Barnes said...

Actually sex offense is defined in the MS code at 45-33-23(g) and list 12 things that can get you that label. 7 deal with children, 3 with rape or sexual battery, 1 for those convicted in other states, and 1 for unnatural intercourse. So there really is not this huge slippery slope out there. Additionally, in light of Lawrence v. Texas I don't really know how many sodomites are being tried for this now and if they are how many are being convicted without their sentences being overturned. I believe unnatural also includes the stuff with animals but I think they would clearly fall into the "monster" category you speak of.

At 3:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anybody else see the irony in getting sent to prison for sodomy?

That's a bit like being sentenced to the Keebler Elves tree after snatching a cookie, isn't it?

At 8:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "true sex offender" and I mean the one that preys on children and unwilling adults makes my skin crawl. And the thought of releasing them into society knowing that there is a bigger chance that they will recommit the crime than not sounds unreal!! I am currently going through a situation where a registered sex offender is building in our subdivision. He was convicted of molesting a 10 year old boy and his current house is being built between 2 houses that both have 10 year old boys in them. I know that it doesn't HAVE to be a 10 year old for him to come after them but we also have 26 other kids in our neighborhood that we feel he may choose from. We are so afraid and would welcome any advice!!

At 7:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Truth is most sex offenders are devious people. I my self am a sex offender. When I was 18 a 14 yoa girl lied on myself and 2 others for raping her which we did not. Well upon my questioning I confesed to toching her with her consent. Seven years later I get charged with fondling her after the fact they found out it was no way she was raped. Even I had to beg the courts to come to a solution about this matter. goes to show you good folks; there are some of us that just got caught up in a bad situation.

At 3:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes innocent people get caught up in the crossfife. I have a friend who has to register as a sex offender because his 16yo girlfriend sent him a nude picture of herself. He was only 15 at the time this happened. Tell me what is the justice in that? The justice system would put innocent people in the same category as child rapist. That is why I do not believe in our system. Only god can truely classify somebody. I can see why they have the registry to protect people, but they seriously need to revise who goes on it.

At 8:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about the poor employees at the Department of Public Safety that have to be the ones to register the SOR's. They are not trained to deal with them and many of them come in with an attitude that the Department of Public Safety is the bad guy and the reason that they are there. Then the employees recognize them on the street and it feels like there are SOR's everywhere. There should be a separate department to hadle them. We have SOR's reaching over 15 year olds shoulders getting their permits to get their SOR card. The 15 year olds are unaware and do not try to hide their information on the couner in front of them.

At 9:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

SEX OFFENDER does not mean CHILD RAPIST!!!!!! Dont ever open your mouth unless you know the facts.... So stupid, u have unternet, look for a dictionary. Learn something.

At 11:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually, the clause about "those convicted in other states" is the slippery slope. In MS there used to be a "streaking" statute. And indeed everyone has heard the humourous song "the streak" by Ray Stevens. It was even a fad in the 1970s. Today, streaking can get you an indecent exposure charge. Indecent exposure is not a registerable offense in MS, but it is in Alabama. Ergo, if you go streaking in Alabama at University of Alabama during football season, you have to register as a sex offender. If you move to MS you also have to register even though the charge here in MS is non-registerable. These laws have slippery slope written all over them. They're just doing it so slowly, incrimentally, that people don't notice. Comments?

At 1:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want ot know why Mississippi allows sex offenders to live .2 miles away from a school? My husband is in the military and we recently moved to Mississippi from California and I was appealed to find that the school my children attend has a CHILD MOLESTER across the street from the school! This feels like a violation of my rights. How do I keep my children safe when I drop them off at school and some @$$%@!& can walk in or jump hte fence (that comes up to my waist) and snatch a kid. Mississippi needs to wake up. People that commit these crimes deserve no freedom, they took the away some helps childs sense of freedom. And to all you people who want to protect them I am a 100% sure that if the sex offender did what they did to someone close to you, you would be the first to cry foul!

At 5:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read everyone's comments and it seems the public is generally misinformed altogether. In Mississippi there are minors on the sex offender list for sending their bf/gf nude pictures of themselves and the state is calling it kiddie porn. In 1991 in Virginia I had consensual sex with a minor who told me she was 18 and I picked her up at a bar. I could have got off but I felt I was wrong regardless and plead guilty to a domestic violence Misdemeanor for which I paid a $200 fine and went on with my life(no registry required). In Jan. of 2008 I applied for a gun permit and the state charged me with failure to register as a sex offender and immediately put me on the sex offender list as a person who was in violation of their obligation to register. The case was finally dismissed in June of 2011 but it seems the state attorney in Mississippi has the power to overturn the judges order to remove me from the list. the state attorney's office reviewed the judges order and has determined they will NOT remove me from the list even though the charge is 20 years old and I didn't rape, coerce, kidnap or force in any way. I have been charged with a felony for a 20 year old misdemeanor, Not to mention my constitutional right not to be charged twice for the same crime.

At 8:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually i agree with the things you say but what if the some ppl they label at sex offenders are not sex offenders but they have that title and I know two people like that. What would you say about that? One person didn't have a good enough lawyer and the person who really did it wanted them to take the fall because it happened in his room and the other had a some what good lawyer and the person that said that did that to their kids kept changing the story and then said they wanted to drop the charges because they didnt want to get caught in court under false pretenses but the court still went along with it and now the person is registered as one?

At 3:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem with labels is that they do not always fit and sometimes they stick where they shouldn't but other times they won't stay were they should. Some people say that sex offenders reoffend frequently. The truth is the opposite because many people who have been labeled as sex offenders only went afoul of the law and have remorse for the action itself, not just for getting caught. We cannot judge others so harshly that we lose sight of our own failings. No one is perfect. Be involved in your children's lives and know every person who comes into their life, no matter how old they are because ANYONE at ANYTIME can offend someone in a sexual manner. Extra laws and restrictions do not have any effect upon those offenders who are truly criminal because they have no conscience, they are disordered. Others, need only to be known of and supported to DO THE RIGHT THING - follow the law and be decent to everyone. God Bless Us All and grant us peace.

At 1:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree it isn't right that someone can lie and ruin the rest of your life forever labeling you a sex offender. These young girls that run around doing that need to be punished they need to realize what they are doing to someone when they lie and send innocent people to prision for something that will label them a monster for the rest of their life. I have to deal with this because my husband was victim to this very thing. He has to register because a young 15 yr old girl wrote a letter lying to her cousin to make her jealous and trying to say she had intercourse with him when he was 17. She later admited she lied but the state picked up the charges and now he gets labeled right along with the actual bad guys. It makes me so angry that people automatically view him as a monster just because some immature girl made up some lies. Not only did he have to spend 10 years of his life in prision but now he is still punished by his label and registration. If you ask me our justice system in screwed up. These young girls do not have to pay one bit for what they have done to innocent people and i think it is not right at all. So to all of you who know what i mean i feel for you. Dont get me wrong if you are one of those monsters that deserve to register then i believe u should be punishe to the full extent of the law.

At 1:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A sex offender looks for oppertunity. If you a good parant you will never have any dealing with a sex offfender. If you are not a good parant and let your kids run the streets then i say it your falt and not the sex offenders. Its all about taking responsabilty of your own. watch your children grow and you will have no trouble with any sex offenders.

At 1:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am married to a "sex offender" I have known him since he was 12. He is in no way a bad person. He was wrongly accused and because he was poor and couldn't afford a good lawyer. He listened to a court appointed attorney and took a plea because they scared him and told him if he didn't he could get 25 years. All he did was have sex with his 20 something year old girlfriend. And they were drunk. Now because of that he is a sex offender. How is that fair?? And of course Mississippi is so backwoods everytime someone finds out he is a sex offender he is automaticly labeled as a child molester. He is NOT a child molester! He is a good mad that got caught up in a bad situation.it is very easy to be labeled as a sex offender in Mississippi. I could grab my husbands but in public and someone see me and call the police and bam I would be a sex offender. People need to stop acting so stupid and judging people when they don't even know the real story!!

At 9:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been the victom of a sex offender and now in my late thirties, I am rasing three children; so I check the registry often.. as a victom I can tell you that it a lot of cases what the law sentence them for only scratches the surface of what was really going on.. my father got twenty years for two accounts but infact if the others had come fourth, he would be doing life and possibly facing the death penalty.. some do make mistakes but a true sex offender or child preditor to be more exact in this situation can not be reabilitated acorrding to a study I read from Harvard.. what is the law regarding renting to a sex offender (apartment or trailer park) were there are literally children living in an ajacent dwelling. (Mississippi)

At 2:57 PM, Blogger TCB said...

My boyfriend is a registered sex offender. He goes every 3 months to register. They should take into consideration the reasoning behind what actually happens. He was at a bar when he was young, drank a little too much, and when home with a girl who was also in the bar. The girl who was in the bar turned out to be a little younger than him and her parents found out. Now he will be labeled a sex offender for the rest of his life. He quit drinking, but that didn't help the so called "Label"!! It really hurts in so many different ways. People make mistkes all the time!! No body is perfect!! But obviously, the goverment, courts, and all that think that they are!! I could understand if he was out raping women or messing with children, but when you are young and make one mistake, you shouldn't be punished for it for the rest of your life. He has not been in any trouble since all that happened. "PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES, WE ARE ONLY HUMAN!!"

At 6:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"There are also statistics that help show that compared to non-sex offenders released from State prisons, released sex offenders were 4 times more likely to be rearrested for a sex crime, per DOJ."...... Amazing the baloney that is posted. The DOJ statistics reveal that other than pedophiles and rapists, the recidivism rate for other sex offenders is 2% to 5%. Of those, most are busted for violations like non-reporting, alcohol, etc. and NOT sex crimes. Time for the truth for a change. A cottage industry has been created in keeping behind bars many who don't belong there, the reason......$$$$.

At 6:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One more thing, the residency restriction DO NOT work. Many states have completed research that reveal restricting sex offenders from living near schools, etc, is a complete waste of time. If a sex offender is going to re-offend, they will NOT offend anywhere near their residence for fear of being caught. Additionally, most victims know the offender. The ones most likely to offend are currently unknown and definitely not registered.

At 9:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen..God bless..

At 10:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To me I think its stupid because they put all sex offenders in one category. Really? People make mistakes. Now I understand if they continue to do it, then lock them up for life. But bf and gf high school lovers, matter of fact. When they're in their teens. Give them a break. Us as in humans are not suppose to judge anyways. Leave it up to the man up above..pray for them. Not everybodies perfect. And if you're reading this. You're not either. Its crazy how they wanna charge little kids with life sentences, but their mind is not fully developed right?? Really kids are way smarter than adults. But whatever..I pray for everybody..hopefully God can soften yalls heart..

At 8:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you that there are some innocent people who get caught up in this kind of situation. The system see them as an offender and a threat and may have never even committed such an act as what they speak of.

At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know exactly what u mean.
My husband is suffering now because of this and she's walking free seeing how many more she can trick into the same situation

At 8:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could someone please tell me the restrictions of being a sex offender??

At 12:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so we don't live in a perfect world. everyone wants children to be kept safe. for those of us that feel we have made a mistake are being penalized for life. i have a felony conviction for attempting to rape. i am no child molester but i am labelled. the law says that after being released from prison and not having anymore felony convictions of a sexual nature. that a sex offender can be removed from the registry. but all sex offenders are branded "VIOLENT." whether there is bodily harm, death use of a weapon or not. sex offenders have the second lowest recidivism rate of any criminal. if you are not a potential threat to the public? having served your time and being victim free for atleast ten years should be enough. but the fact is that it is all about who is going to stick their neck out to say that. removing a sex offender is the law after he has complied with the laws and the statues under the law of the state. it is time to stop playng GOD and uphold the law and take out our personal thoughts feelings and emotions.

At 7:57 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I believe its wrong to convict some ody on the basis that ur best friends sister got mad because he wouldn't have anytnhing to do with her.....now my 22 year old son is serving seven years for something hne never did..eventhe girl said he never touched her...she tells all her friends nothing happened.... the girl was fifteen at the time, my son was nineteen...but he never touched her....now she rides around on frourwheelers half naked and got no worries....I don't understand any of it..could someone please explain it to me.. there was no raape kit or DNA test done

At 6:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here n al if u geT caught urinating outside
you will be charged As a sex offender

At 12:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is all too familiar. I am dating someone who did not commit the crime he was convicted of, but his lawyer insisted he plead guilty to avoid jail. This same lawyer also did not file the correct paperwork, so he's now stuck on the registry for life, instead of 15 years like the rest of the people with his conviction.

At 11:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well here is the deal. They (the law, government, the state of Ms) saw a chance to make millions over an extended period of time. Every "sex offender" has to pay 11.00$ every three months for life no matter what. The law says 25 years then they may petition the state for removal. It does not say they will get it, and they won't because as long as they are on the registry they have to pay. Now if there is 10,000 offenders in MS required to register and having to pay 11.00$+(the price is going up every year) you do the math on how much the state makes. Also the state can keep tabs on the without a warrant and arrest them for any offense they are then caught doing which will and I mean will end in jail time. Then the state gets 54.00$ a day from the federal government to house these inmates. Their making a killing off of keeping people in jail which unless I'm wrong here is slavery. So yes it is a money making scam that is illegal as the day is long. A person sentenced to 5 years should not have to serve a life sentence. If the state wants a life sentence then they should have to sentence them to life and house them for life or else after the time is served and the debt paid they should be free and their rights restored. But we live in an unjust America where it is against the law for us to lie but not the government.

At 2:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who do you contact when a offender is in your area and you find out he is messing with two underage girls. He is 31 they are under 14.

At 9:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am married to a sexual offender. When he was 17 he got caught up with a 13 year old. He didn't know she was 13 until after the fact. The police waited until he was 18 to arrest him and even after she wrote a letter to the judge saying it was consensual he was charged with a forceful rape! Now 20 years later is still having to register!! How in the world does he get this off of his record?

At 9:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get a grip on reality and stop reading into everything. Most sex offenders never re-offend! Look at the statistics. Most people worry over nothing. By all means be cautious but don't over react. Most so's just want a chance to restart a life. I say this with all truth, as I am a sex offender

At 9:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As usual a complaint about us so's. First, no one reaches over kids shoulders at the dps office. They only allow one person at the "window" at a time. Second, someone has to do the job that people want done. You want us registered at dps then someone must do it. Attitudes are everywhere...even at fast food drive thru or a grocery store. No ones asks for an idiot with an attitude but we all must deal with it. Third, s.o. registery is a lie. It makes no one feel safer. In fact it makes problems not solve them. So u know your new neighbor is a pedofile, what about your other neighbors who sell heroin to kids, u don't know about him from some web site! Yes bad people are out there but does knowing exactly where a few are make u safe

At 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a crock! I was 11 and molested by a 26 year old man. My parents were fantastic parents and I still got molested.....explain that! What happens if your kids spend the night at a friends house and uncle bob molests them, are you now a bad parent because you can't control things at other people's houses?

At 9:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm on the sex offender registry because I let my nephew "baby-sit" my house while I was out of the country.. He threw a party and invited about 50 of his high school friends over to drink and party. At some point during the night they decided they wanted to make a home-made 'porno' so they went and found my video camera and shot a video with a 19 year old having sex with his 17 1/2 year old girlfriend.. Word got out around the High School that this video existed and the sheriff dept raided my house, found the camera and arrested me because it was my camera.. I knew nothing of the entire event until after the fact.. so now I'm a "sex offender" for possession of child porn. I'm basically in the same 'group' as a child rapist.. and this is fair??

At 6:10 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Yep low life 14 year old just trying to be like her mama. Monkey see monkey do. 12 years later it still haunts him. He is not violent and never knew her real age until the police ripped him out of his sleep. Where is she... walking free

At 6:18 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Yep low life 14 year old just trying to be like her mama. Monkey see monkey do. 12 years later it still haunts him. He is not violent and never knew her real age until the police ripped him out of his sleep. Where is she... walking free

At 10:53 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

My brother is a sex offender but he register because he was sent to prison for getting a 17 yearbold pregant and he was 20 just BC they are a sex offender does not mean that raped or forced them to have sex with them its the messed up laws who make you out to be a monster

At 10:09 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

First off, let me begin by letting you know, I am a Registered Sex Offender (RSO). I have registered as a sex offender now since 1998 for an offence I was charged and received probation for in 1995. I was self-reported (not caught) for an incident that occurred between my 10 year old step-daughter and myself. I was charged with indecency with a child. I was to register for a period of 10 years and should have been released in 2005. However, in 2004 laws changed in the state that sentenced me and my requirement to register was converted to life time. I have moved on with my life as best I can.

At the time of my offence I had two daughters in addition to my step-daughter 6 and 2 years old. During my relationship with their mother prior to my offence she was verbally, mentally, and physically abusive to me. I had attempted many times to leave her, but she literally hunted me and convinced me to come back to her. I had even attempted to involve law enforcement in reporting the abuse, but when the authorities offered to put me in jail instead, I lost faith in protection by law enforcement.

As part of my sentencing I was required to submit to sexual deviance therapy and I was not allowed to see my children. I was saddened by this restriction, but was told that I could later petition the court for supervised visits with them. I did take soleus in the fact this restriction also included my wife, who within a few months found herself another man and promptly became pregnant. She filed for divorce. At eight months pregnant she literally stood before a judge and told him she was not pregnant. Two months after she gave birth she married the father of that child.

I did petition the court and was allowed to visit with my children, but when I found out my ex-wife was interrogating them about everything I did or said when they were returned to her I stopped seeing them. I eventually surrender my parental rights and her new husband adopted them and gave them his name.

I found another woman who was kind to me. However, she had two adolescent boys living in her home. We dated for a long while, moved in together, and eventually married. The marriage didn’t last, because of complications with her boys’ disapproval of our union, financial issues, and issues with my children. We divorced. Neither of us was happy about the divorce, but we felt at the time it was the best thing we could do for each other.

At 10:10 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I moved to another state for a new job in 2002. While there I met another woman. We began a relationship and chose to have two children. I had told her of my past and the offence I was charged with. She asked me to keep this information to myself, no one else needed to know. I felt this was not a good idea, but went along with it because I was not yet comfortable discussing my crime. I continued registering as a sex offender in my new state until 2005 when my new state released me from obligation to register. All was good it seemed. I was unaware of what was happening to me though. My new relationship was just as abusive, however; she was not physically abusive. I found myself feeling very depressed as before and knew I needed to do something before I began to make poor choices again. I sought out therapy. It was in therapy where I found out I suffer ADHD among a lot of other disorders with more initials. I began to assert myself in my new relationship and my partner did not like the new me that was being presented. In 2012 she went to a women’s shelter and accused me of being abusive and plotting to hire someone to murder her. She also accused me of inappropriate behavior with my children. I had to answer questions from both Child Protective Serves and Law Enforcement. CPS and Law Enforcement found no evidence of inappropriate behavior with my children. She had filed papers in civil court 1) to have me removed from the home and 2) restraining me from contact with her or my children. I had spent the better part of a year rebuilding her home which was damaged from flood waters spending a lot of money I saved and this is how I was treated. I called someone whom I had regarded as my best friend to talk about what was happening. I opened up to him about my past, since I no longer felt my promise to my new partner was valid. My friend told me he had known about my past even before he met me. It was then I realized all of the friends I had were introduced to me by my new partner as an approved list of friends and could only assume they all knew. I felt I had been manipulated and used by her just as my first wife had done me.

Later in court documents sent to me I discovered an affidavit from my first wife. She actually accused me of arson when our home burned. Our home burned a long while after I was removed from the home. I had not been in that home since. What really got my attention is that it seemed my new partner had been in contact with my ex-wife for a while. My ex-wife stretched and distorted events that took place during our relationship to a point they no longer represented the truth. My new partner took all that was being told to her as gospel and reported it to the court to support her requests. I found myself in a highly stressful place, beginning to sink in to the disparity of depression. I could remember from sexual deviance therapy that allowing myself to remain in such depression and anxiety would be fuel for me to re-offend. So I sought out help and got the support I needed in order to avoid harming another child or anyone.

At 10:11 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I decided to contact my 2nd wife about what was happening to me. She told me that my 1st had been in contact with her, but did not intend to reply. My second wife during our marriage had contact with my first wife and was a good source of firsthand knowledge of her character and abilities to report the truth. I had forgotten my second wife had been in a law enforcement occupation for many years prior to becoming a human resources specialist. She had received formal training in extracting information, and evaluating people’s character. I asked and she agreed to write an affidavit for me to present to court. In her writings she described my 1st ex-wife as being unable to tell the truth as it actually happened and of just how abusive she was to me. She also wrote of how she had read of my new partner’s affidavits and letter’s there was hints of manipulation intent on using me for a sperm donor and discarding me when she had no more use of me.

Court is concluded now. I get to call my children once a week for half an hour. I get to visit with them in a supervised facility for no more than two hours a day at a cost of $90 each visit. I am supposed to get report cards and progress reports, but still have not received the first one yet. I can file to have these conditions modified after I receive a re-offence risk evaluation. It is hard for me to feel joy in receiving such hardships in addition to the social stigmatism I have seen from my community, because living in this state, my crime is published in the paper and post cards are sent to all my neighbors within a half mile radius of my residence. My land lord treats me poorly, because he knows I have few alternatives for a place to live.

It would be easy for me to give up and quit fighting, but I refuse to let them win. (whoever “them” is) I have gotten involved in my community and church where I am allowed to. I have learned some things about dealing with ignorant people, but some just want to stay ignorant. My 2nd wife are in process of reconciliation, but distance makes a relationship hard.

Yes, I feel converting my original requirement of 10 yrs to lifetime is unfair and it is unfair for someone to take advantage of me the manor that women did. Aside from that, I have two wonderful children that love me no matter what and I would do anything for their advancement in their health and welfare. I only wanted to be a much bigger part of their life.

I sexually abused my step-daughter 20 years ago. I self-reported the incident in an effort to receive help. The help I have received is a lifetime of registration and mistrust from my community. I am not a predator and do not have sexual attractions to children. I think children are beautiful to look at and it truly disgusts me to think of having sex with a child of any age group. I feel things the same as anyone else does. For example; if I ever find out who the person is that “messed” with my niece, I just want to make sure he never will be able to do such a thing ever again. Much as my former step-daughter’s father feels about me.

I do not seek forgiveness from the world or even those closest to me, I have received that forgiveness from God and Jesus Christ. There are days when I have difficulty reconciling that forgiveness when I get a slanted look from someone in my community or neighborhood, but I just keep telling myself and asking God to let them know who I am today.

At 5:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The police.

At 5:39 PM, Blogger Unkown said...

How long would I have to register in Mississippi as a sex offfender

At 5:39 PM, Blogger Unkown said...

How long would I have to register in Mississippi as a sex offfender

At 4:38 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Depends upon your particular crime or offence. Mississippi seems to be a bit confusing with their system. I think it would be a good idea to talk with a Mississippi Attorney. I would also recommend you avoid Attorneys who work for the state.

At 9:01 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I have a friend that went thru the same thing years ago. He got his highschool sweet heart pregnant shortly after he turned 18 she had just turned 17. Her dad pressed charges he was convicted and now 20 years later the are still happily married with 3 children. But the laws in MS at the time weren't like today with the new age gaps. What is sad is that he still has to register as a sex offender and has to tell employers he is a sex offender if he were to ever switch jobs. What bothers me is that since the laws have changed somewhat so that had they gone thru that now he wouldn't be convicted or a sex offender they should let some of these people records be expunged or reversed. But he can't because those were not the laws 20 years ago.

At 12:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't prey on children I was falsely accused of molesting my oldest two kids but it was never proven, I took a plea bargain to be with my wife and kids and got screwed by Kentucky not everyone is a sex offender some people are innocent of what they are accused of doing. Don't judge someone just because they got a record.

At 6:32 PM, Blogger Sorry system said...

I have a friend who was accused of saying put your hand on crouch, which was untrue. He was a probation officer and she was a crimal who was convicted more than once for drugs and other things. He requested as a probation office that men should see men and women probation officers should see women, but know one was listening. This request was done way before she accused him of asking her to touch him. This is a crack w**** who sold herself with no teeth etc. This man has no problems getting good women. He would not have touched her with someone else stuff. She changed her statement 4 times. So it was his word against hers. All the surrounding law enforcement refused to even look at this, but one man wanted it pushed to be prosecuted. What happens, he spends 5 yrs in jail for something he didn't do looses his job lively hood, he had been in law enforcement for over 30 years. He now has to register as a sex offender. For something he didn't do. There are so many cases like this it isn't funny. So don't put all sex offenders in the same class. Lots aren't even guilty. The one that are, yes they should register n serve time. Everyone thinks sex offender means a child is involved, not the case, they all bundled into one lump sum. The laws suck, but know one cares unless it happens to one of their family members. After the fact the proved she lied, and was had commited pergery. He spent 5 years of his life in prison, lost everything, but still has to register. The system sucks.

At 6:40 PM, Blogger Sorry system said...

They do what they like, we have no rights. If someone hurts a child yes they should be ponished. Just because someone accused a person does not make them guitly, but it can rein their life just the same.

At 6:44 PM, Blogger Sorry system said...

They do what they like, we have no rights. If someone hurts a child yes they should be ponished. Just because someone accused a person does not make them guitly, but it can rein their life just the same.

At 6:48 PM, Blogger Sorry system said...

She shouldn't have been in a bar, so her parents got mad and charged him when they should have beat her ads for luring. Girl 13 sometimes look 18 and lie about their age.

At 6:50 PM, Blogger Sorry system said...

Her ass and lieing. Damn phone

At 6:53 PM, Blogger Sorry system said...

The true offenders will find a way to do what they do. Nothing or any laws is going to stop them.

At 6:53 PM, Blogger Sorry system said...


At 6:56 PM, Blogger Sorry system said...

The jusdical system sucks, she should go to jail for lieing.

At 6:58 PM, Blogger Sorry system said...

So right.

At 7:03 PM, Blogger Sorry system said...

Well first were are their parents when they are fooling with this man, second, are they telling him a lie about their age. Just saying, things are not always what they seem. You know this and haven't done anything? You have to ask who to contact. Their parents first

At 7:05 PM, Blogger Sorry system said...

That is such bullshit, the judge seems to want a name for himself. In sorry that happened to him.

At 7:07 PM, Blogger Sorry system said...

No it's not.

At 7:17 PM, Blogger Sorry system said...

No it's not.

At 7:23 PM, Blogger Sorry system said...

That is such bullshit, the judge seems to want a name for himself. In sorry that happened to him.

At 7:23 PM, Blogger Sorry system said...

Well first were are their parents when they are fooling with this man, second, are they telling him a lie about their age. Just saying, things are not always what they seem. You know this and haven't done anything? You have to ask who to contact. Their parents first

At 7:23 PM, Blogger Sorry system said...

So right.

At 1:44 PM, Blogger fulltruth said...

I have a situation. I dated a girl, I was seventeen, she was fourteen, I assure everyone she was no goody girl. But I fell in love with her, I was born in America. I had never met her parents after she told them I was good in school, and was planning on joining the air-force they were excited to meet me. So I went to meet them. This is when hell broke loose. I am Vietnamese, they immediate had a problem, not because of my age. They ran me off, then called an ex-cop friend who smashed his truck into the side of my car into he door. Nearly breaking my arm. It went to court Pat Carr was the judge he was not concerned with the truth, he took the word of the cop claiming I hit him. My driver side of my car is smashed in where this man backed his Z71 into my car and this so called judge took his side. Anyways we still saw each other, I turned 18, and joined the air-force, a year in with a great job, her family turned it in to them I was seeing their daughter whom I was going to marry. I got kicked out, jail time, now I have to report as a sex offender. Her mom had a friend over a white man over thirty years over to sleep with her own daughter to upset me, no charges no jail time, she was sixteen now. This is Mississippi law for you. In some states you can still marry at fourteen. My life was pretty much ruined.

At 12:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need to stand up and fight for what is rite! I am a 24 yo christian man who was charged with carnal knowlege of a juvenile. The girl lied about her age and was drinking she definitly didnt look 16 more like 20. Basically i took the bait. The worst thing i feel i done was commit a sin for having sex and not bieng married. Which i am asshamed of ive ask the good lord to forgive me of what i did.
Of all things im not a child predator i love children i have 10 young neices and nefs an will love them all till the day i die.
This is so hard to live with, ive almost lost everything.
We need to stand up and get some new laws passed to protect the children and our rights. There is a big diference between carnal knowledge and child molester and rapist.

At 12:19 AM, Blogger Disgusted reader said...

My boyfriend is a registered So because 15 years ago he had permission to date this girl by her father and stepmom. When the girl got pregnant the birth mother flipped and pressed charges on the dad,stepmom,and my boyfriend. He got sexual battery and never had sex with her unless it was consensual and the parents got endagerment of a minor. The parents got a heafty 10-to life sentence and my boyfriend got 7years in probation due to his being truthful with the police. He still had to register and be treated like a monster when he only fault was falling on love with someone two years under age. My issue is are doesn't matter when it is a 18 yr old with a 60 yr old man so why is it such an issue when it is agreed upon the parents and both parties? Why isn't there different levels so all SO's are not piled into one label. You have different levels of murders don't you? Why should sex offenders be treated different? I am a tape victim and I know the difference and it makes me sick to see someone's life destroyed forever for a bad mistake. We all make bad discussions what if we were held for life as a label to that mistake? I think the law should relook into this and start giving less aggressive offenders a chance to make their life different. Until then y'all make sure you don't go to a bar and make a move on someone because you like them and you been drinking that simple pay on the butt could put you on a SO list. ONLY GOD HAS THE RIGHT TO JUDGE AND LABEL!

At 2:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is God not the righteous judge of all the earth?Will You people take into consideration that many of these child rapists cry for what they've done and are sorry?they simply have a sickness that thank God you don't struggle with.Many of these people made mistakes and would do anything to be cured from this but it's not that simple with this horrible sickness.Its much worse than drugs.So when it comes to these people please realize that not all of these people are monsters.Many times they do things a monster would do,but they are simply sick.There are many people like this that don't care about children and are monsters,but I promise you this secret is true,Truly not all child molestors are monsters.Sometimes they're just sick.Theres absolutely nothing ok about hurting children but do you struggle with pediphilia?are you in a place to hate these sick people who are sorry for their mistakes?Let God judge,because living as a sex offender your whole life in shame is hard enough as it is.I ask you to consider what I tell you on the next post

At 2:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

NEXT POST When I was 17 I had severe sexual problems I struggled with my whole life and committed sexual battery on my 4 year old cousin by putting the tip of my thing in her mouth then I stopped and put it back in my phants.Thats was the details.Sadly I didnt understand truly what I did to her,but I just did it.If I did understand that would hurt her I would have never did it.I made a choice There no excuse for and hate what I did but my point is I wasn't a monster but was sick.I struggled with sexual problems from being molested when I was 6.I was in a horrible jail that was very nice to me when I first went because I was a minor and considered me just a child.when I got older they mistreated and called names that really hurt me.They did stuff to my food and hated me but my uncle,aunt and cousin dropped the charges forgave and loved me.They knew although I had hurt them that I had these problems.I came to a point where I have realized that if I was a child molestor 2 years ago I am not one now.I never was a monster and I've been forgiven,I've changed,and Moved on.I want you to know sometimes people make mistakes and struggle with things you don't and never have struggled with in life.And it's not ok to hate and mistreat that person.Only hate what they've done but it's never ok to hate and mistreat these people.They can make a change in their life even if they are a monster into a hero.Did you know that?I truly had trouble understanding what I did and could explain to you facility's I've admitted myself to and people I've reached out to throughout my entire life while no one but God helped me.not all child rapists and pediphiles are really monsters at all but some of them are simply sick and would take back what they did but that's not how life works.You just learn from your mistakes.whenever you see a sex offender that has done something like this always protect your children because that's what your supposed to do For your kids even if it came to killing someone but don't hate or mistreat these people because I promise you your truly not any better than them.Im 19 now and know what I am and I'm not.Im a hero and these that judged me are not better than me but would've done the same or worse.I want you to know this about these people that are child rapists hurt children. Open your eyes to see that it's a horrible sickness they struggle with and don't hate them but know they'll be judged by God just like you and they can make a change in their lives and be a hero.I wanted to be the oposite of what those people called me and prove them wrong by making the world a better place, loving children,andbeing a hero.I don't hurt kids because I see now what you see when you look at them that their children.Please do this.1.Defend children with your lives2.Always let the Lord judge3.Hate what These people did but not them and I ask you to go as far as loving these people because theyre clearly sick with a sickness that you don't struggle with.4.Realize the truth.Your not better than these people and when they make mistakes they can learn from them and make a change in their lives to a hero even if they were a monster.Again thanks very much for your time and this is nothing but the truth I wanted you to be aware of.I just hope this gives you a different view of these people that are labeled as Monsters,and makes you more understanding

At 11:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my name is richard and i am 71 years old. in 1976 i was convicted of a felony "touching of a child." i served my two years of probation and moved to louisiana in 1979. i realize what i did was wrong and lived as a lab abiding citizon since then with not even a speeding ticket. i cam back to mississippi in 2009 and applied for a mississippi id. well little did i realize what was about to happen. the state ran a check on me and found my 1976 conviction. now i am stuck with a lifetime registration requirement. does this sound fair. if i was going to re-offend would i have waited 40 years plus to do so. someone in the legislature needs to step up to the plate and provide some relief for people such as myself and revise the mississippi law

At 11:08 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

The term sex offender is too all encompassing. Fact is SOs have a recidivism rate far below other offenders, 3% or less. And the reoffenders are the hard core pedophies. Do released murderers, thieves, etc. have to register for life and face residence restrictions? Having concentual sex with a teenager is wrong but hardly a crime comparable to rape or pedophilia. There is a very effective risk accessment that should be followed, but isn't. No wonder courts are ruling SO restrictions as Cruel and Unusual punishment as stated in the US Constitution.

At 10:23 AM, Blogger Offenders Database said...

Mississippi sex offenders registry


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